Sunday, October 11, 2009

Flickr is neat.

A blue on beige mosaic L E x002

Because you can do things like that. When my wife and I got married, one of our friends got us a picture like this, with out last name spelled out. It is currently hanging in our living room and, if I may say so, looks rather snazzy.

To think about what Flickr means is to take myself back to when I was a kid and enjoyed taking pictures. Could I imagine someday there would be a way to share those pictures with everyone around the world, and to be able to see what other people were taking pictures of as well? The thought would have boggled my mind, and still does to a certain extent. My wife and I use Flickr to share pictures of our adventures, and we enjoy seeing what our friends are out there doing as well.

I think Flickr is especially useful for providing kids or students a way to see the world through someonelse's eyes. There are always places to look for professional photographs in the world, but being able to see what a normal person takes pictures of, both as a traveler and as just someone enjoying the experience, I think adds a real option for children of all ages to explore the world around them.

And you can do neat stuff like this:

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